Monday, March 29, 2010

My American Dream

I dream of seeing the birth, not of a political party or a social movement, but of a new tomorrow. I dream of a day when "We the People" stand united by a common goal—by the goal that is common to all People, everywhere around the globe: the simple desire to be heard.

I dream of the day when we will be heard, because on that day there will be no one in this country who can ignore us any longer. On that day even the most sheltered and corrupt have to take notice, because I dream of the day when we speak with one voice. Not the voice of a Democrat or a Republican, but the voice of America.

I dream of the day when the American people are recognized as one people, not as just another movement riding the coattails of one party or the other, because I dream of the day when we realize we are more than that. We are the living, breathing pulse of America, gathered from all walks of life and all corners of this country. I dream of one people united by the promise of Growth, the promise of Renewal, and the promise of Life. I dream of the day when we recognize that we are Life, because America is Life. And We Are America.

I dream of the day when Washington wakes up to the realization that they work for us, and not the other way around. Because this is our government, our country, and our home. That is the dream upon which this nation was founded: not only that All Men are Created Equal, but that every man, woman, and child in this country deserves the chance to speak and to have their voices heard. I dream of the day when politicians stop telling the American people what they want and choose to listen instead.

Because in that day, we will once again truly be an example to the world, demonstrating that liberty can accomplish anything; that it can break the chains of tyranny, that it can stand as a beacon of hope to millions of people around the globe, that it can even reach for the stars beyond our world and plant its flag on the moon. There are no limits to what freedom can do. And there are no limits to what America can do, because America is freedom; the two words have been synonymous for over two hundred years, ever since our Founding Fathers indelibly wrote that principle into our Constitution, and Huddled Masses from every corner of the globe harbored a secret dream to one day stand on the shores of the Land of the Free. Make no mistake: America is freedom, and therefore we are the embodiment of freedom, because We Are America.

I dream of the day when the American people will speak with one voice and insist on being heard by those who should already be listening.

I dream of the day when we realize that We Are America.

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