Thursday, October 6, 2011

Republican debates make my brain hurt...

It's appropriate they held that last one in Orlando: Goofy and Dopey were there...

So here's the brief summary for those who haven't got it.

Michelle Bachmann is insane.

Rick Perry will "always err on the side of saving lives"...except where capital punishment is concerned.

Mitt Romney smiles a lot, even though he doesn't like Rick Perry. (It's because he knows Tomorrow is a Latter Day!)

Herman Cain used to be the crackpot; now he's the frontrunner.

Newt Gingrich used to be the frontrunner; now he's the crackpot.

Ron Paul has always been the crackpot.

There are other candidates, but nobody knows who they are.

Michelle Bachmann is insane. (This bears repeating.)

That's all for tonight; but the blogs are up and running again! (Sorry about that...we had a technical issue involving one plane ticket and three bikini models... and we still would have got through airport security if it weren't for those damn body scanners...)