Wednesday, December 15, 2010

House of Representatives pass a bill repealing 'Don't ask, Don't Tell.'

The bill moves to the Senate now, where Democratic leaders are confident that they have the 51 votes required to pass the measure and believe they also have the 60 votes needed to overcome a Republican filibuster.

"And this reporter thinks it's about f*@#ing time!"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Okay...this pissed me off.

The 42 Republican Senators decided that they wouldn't allow anything to be done until the wealthiest 2% of Americans got their tax cuts extended.

And by that, they meant "We will not discuss any bill on its own merits until you give us what we want."

And they followed through: all 42 Republican Senators voted to block the Defense budget bill--the one that provides the armed forces with the funding they need. They blocked a bill on immigration reform. And then they blocked an extension and improvement of health benefits for 9/11 first responders.

Let me repeat that last one: They blocked a bill that would extend and improve health benefits for 9/11 first responders.

Check it out:

The Daily show had this to say:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Lame-as-F@#k Congress
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And while Jon Stewart pretty much gets it right, I feel I need to add something:

The GOP has spent nearly a decade loudly trumpeting their support for both those who were killed in the 9/11 attacks and those who responded to them. But the truth is that Senate Republicans have demonstrated the opposite with their actions. The truth is that Senate Republicans don't give a rat's ass about 9/11 first responders except as a bargaining chip.

Senators, you disgust me. As of right now, I am starting a grass roots movement to have every one of those 42 Senators voted out of office--or removed from office if possible. You didn't just take hostages, you starting shooting them.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Prop 8 trial starts in a few minutes.

It's supposed to be broadcast live on CSPAN (Verizon's TV Guide doesn't show it...) and the three judges on the panel will be deciding A: whether the Prop 8 supporters have legal standing to appeal a ruling against the state of CA, and B: whether Judge Walker was correct in his finding that there is no rational basis for discrimination against same-sex marriage.

The three judges consist of a well-known liberal, a mormon conservative, and a 'wild card' moderate. All eyes are seemingly on the moderate judge in this case...everyone seems to know how the other two will rule, and he will be the tiebreaker. Prop 8's defenders have already filed (and lost) a motion for the liberal judge to recuse himself because his wife fought the Proposition during the elections, but ironically they seem to have no issue with the mormon conservative--a member of the organization responsible for the majority of funds to support Prop 8.

Fingers crossed that sanity prevails.