Friday, October 9, 2009

Wait...a Nobel Peace Prize?

Everyone who has the slightest interest in politics--and that probably includes you since you're here:P--knows by now that President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize today.

But why?

No one seems able to answer this question. The committee chairman, former Norwegian prime minister Thorbjorn Jagland, claimed that the award was not for future actions, but for "what he has done in the previous year." Here at the blog we are attempting to get details on exactly what accomplishments Mr. Jagland was referring to, and if and when I receive a response to my email I will try to clear that up.

Of course conservative critics were quick to accuse the Nobel Prize committee of rewarding Obama for being more in line with their own political and idealogical leanings. And unfortunately, until I hear more specifics from the committee themselves I'm forced to agree. Has the Nobel Prize really been reduced to nothing more than a seal of political approval?

Details if/when I get them.

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